четверг, 11 сентября 2014 г.

How to Increase Your Traffic Without Using Any Marketing Strategies

Marketing is definitely one of the determinative factors enhancing success of any online business.  Most business owners are fully focused on such traditional traffic generation strategies as link building, consequently losing many potential customers.

The following strategies can help you increase your website's traffic significantly without any marketing.

1. Add Long-Tail Keywords to Your Pages

Of course, most of people prefer focusing on short terms because they are easier to research and identify.  However, in fact, about 85% of the traffic you can receive from "long-tail" queries that include 3-6 words.

As a rule, long-tail keywords are easier to convert at a higher rate than short ones.  Here is the way how you can take advantage of long-tail variations and increase your traffic considerably: 

v  Identify Long-Tail Modifiers

For example, you are a Logitech C310 webcam seller and want to optimize our page to rank for searches. Google Keyword Tool can help you find all the long-tail variations. Then look at the bottom of the search results, where Google displays related searches. The related searches for the term "Logitech C310" look as follows:

v  Get these Modifiers into Your Page Copy

If the Logitech C310 page is optimized for "Logitech C310" in the least, you don’t have to insert each long-tail phrase word-for-word into the page. Alternatively, it would be better to use the unique variations of “Logitech C310” in order to expect being well-ranked for it.

Make sure the words highlighted below appeared on our page:

All of these modifiers included into the copy provide the potentially strong opportunity to rank for a larger range of queries. 

2. Stand Out with Quality Snippets

Quality snippets are search listings, which include brief product review, availability info and price.  Snippets provide more detailed information about the certain website or service or product from the search results page without visiting it.

Quality snippets are a very powerful tool to increase a website traffic by up to 25%.  

v  Video Thumbnails 

Video thumbnails appear alongside a page listing. Video thumbnails also increase the click through rate of the associated pages. 

3. Write Strong Titles and Powerful Descriptions

The meta title and meta description are really important because they determine the way your page appears in the search results. By writing attractive titles and entertaining descriptions, you can stand out to searches.

When writing meta titles and meta descriptions, use marketing approach to it like you are writing an advertisement. Develop unique selling offers and highlight why your customer can benefit working with you.

4. Work with Your Internal Links

We all know that getting links from other websites is an effective traditional technique. However, just some people realize the importance of your own website's structure and internal links. If you need to give a certain page a rankings increase, you should know that linking to it from existing high authority pages on your domain can pass authority and help the target page to rank better.

v  Make a list of high-value target pages you want to rank better
v  Identify your website pages, which currently have high authority
v  Add a link from your authority pages to your target pages.
v  Incorporate the link organically on the authority page with the usage of anchor text related to the keyword you want the target page to rank for.

Info presented by Rankwinz

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