понедельник, 14 апреля 2014 г.

How to Combine Your SEO and Content Marketing for Explosive Results

A study last year found that collectively $44 billion was spent by brands on content marketing – this works out as around 39 percent of an overall marketing, advertising, and communications budget.

Over the past year, headlines have been flying around telling the story of “content marketing is replacing SEO” or “SEO is dead, content marketing has taken over”. In many situations, the two are made out to be total rivals – who will win: content marketing or SEO?

The reality is, there should be no showdown between the two, they should be working together seamlessly to boost your search marketing efforts and no business should be choosing one over the other.

If you choose to just create regular content without doing any SEO, you may have an incredible read that no one can actually find to share and engage with. Alternatively, if you have some great technical SEO but no content, then your audience isn’t going to be able to build a relationship with you. As search marketers, it is important to bring the two together and blend them as part of an ongoing search marketing strategy.

Create Wiki Content
Wikipedia is incredibly powerful when it comes to generating traffic and, unsurprisingly, it ranks for almost any search term on Google. Comedy Central once gave a presentation on their marketing, which showed that they receive over 100,000 visitors from Wikipedia every single month.

Wikipedia often suffers from broken links due to the amount of pages and references it has. This is a fantastic opportunity to create content for a great SEO opportunity. It is easy enough to find dead links on Wikipedia just using Google, type site:wikipedia.org [keyword] “dead link” into the search function and check out the results you get.

Info presented by Rankwinz

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