пятница, 22 августа 2014 г.

Improve Your PR Strategy with Big Data

There are approximately 1.8 million Google searches made per minute. A huge amount of content is produced every day. 

Big data allows entrepreneurs to sort through the noise and make sense of what is being said, what is being unsaid, and how this information can tell a compelling narrative.
Variety, velocity and volume are the fundamental forces of big data. Moreover, social media is setting an example by offering variations of numbers for big data to crunch. Therefore, there is no wonder that a 2013 survey conducted by NewVantage Partners found out that 90% of executives have a big-data initiative in progress or at least planned.

For those entrepreneurs who are eager to turn big data into big stories, there are 3 sorts of data to seek for:

1. Curated data. This data is picked out the pre-existing reports and studies existing in the Internet. These studies can be produced by various government agencies, academic institutions or organizations.
Entrepreneurs can take advantage of these sources by combining the information from them and turning it into a useful and attractive story. Working with curated data, try to look at the regular information from a different creative angle.

2. Proprietary data. This info comes from technology, in-house numbers, internal user base or surveys. This data is much more unique than curated data. The success lies in finding an interesting story within the data.

3. Commissioned data. This data is formed due to partnerships with 3rd parties, including market-research companies, customer surveys and polls. Here the success lies in asking the right questions to drive the story.  

Using information for narrative generation is wonderful, however there are other effective methods for entrepreneurs to use big data in PR efforts:

1. Learn everything about your destination market. Today making a research, you can find a lot of information about a consumer and his behavior. Much more than ever before. 
An old-hand entrepreneur will take into consideration the found information in order to understand your target audience. 

2. Crisis prediction. Using huge amounts of available data, entrepreneurs can analyze if the users and customers are fully satisfied or not. This can help avoid potential pain points before they appear. 

3. Follow market trends. Using info crunched by big data, entrepreneurs have a good opportunity to follow all the trends. The results can be reached by a mix of old-style creativity and inspiration and the innovative information approach offered by big-data computing.

Info presented by Rankwinz

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