понедельник, 25 августа 2014 г.

How to Make Your Boring Trade Blog Interesting

One of the most actual questions of bloggers from all around the world is how to make their blog posts interesting. Here are several tips that can help you to make your blog post attractive.

1. Firstly, use your best writer.
In order to make an interesting blog post, you should initially have a piece of high quality original content. Readers are always expecting for readable and fresh content. So find your company’s best writer or become him. A talented writer should:

Be fond of writing
Be able to research anything online
Be ready to spend as much time as it requires creating a quality content.

2. Be informed.
You should be always aware of what is happening in your industry. The more you know about what’s going on, the more invaluable experience you get. A regular blog reader is familiar with buzzwords, jargon and industry best practices. In order to produce something of top-quality, you have to be the best information holder of industry knowledge.

No matter you are a beginner or a professional company writer, you should know both the industry and the target audience. Primarily, you must be informed about:

The daily routine of your audience 
The strongest needs of your audience
The greatest challenges in your industry
The latest updates of your main competitors 
The latest industry trends. 

3. Write from the first person. 
Personalization possesses a great hidden power. 
Part of the power of the first person voice is that it’s personal. The real interaction is always more attractive than just a regular third-person narrative.  Don’t forget that you are aimed at writing for an audience of other people, not businesses.

4. Take advantage of concrete facts, real surveys and numbers.
If I see that someone has shared a survey conducted in his industry, I’m already intensely interested in it. Try to make the same thing when you write. Attract readers with concrete data and real numbers. People are fond of inside info, stats and graphs. 

5. Do not promote your stuff daily.
A blog is not a channel to force people to buy your stuff. Such blogs don’t work! When you are constantly promoting your products, company updates and improvements, readers become bored. Yes, a blog must have some promotional posts, but not all of them have to be promotional. 

6. Be clear.
If you are clear, you are automatically interesting and consequently attractive. Make clear all the difficult points for your readers. When it comes to jargon, every industry has its acronyms, terms, and insider expressions. You can use them in your writing, just be sure to explain yourself if there’s a risk that your readers might not understand an acronym.

7. Share real-life examples.
Try to include real-дау examples in your every post. These mini stories will hold the readers’ attention through the post. 

And finally, don’t be afraid to try new things. You don’t know if they work until you try. 

Info presented by Rankwinz

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