вторник, 5 августа 2014 г.

Evolve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Developing a content marketing strategy or keeping a good blog, the first thing to take care of is what your readers actually expect from you.  You can conduct some surveys, or monitor website analytics in order to find out your readers’ preferences. Today this information is ready available. Simply keeping your eyes open can give you all the information you need.

Here is a list of some of the most useful content marketing tips on how to implement them into your strategy.

1. Write longer posts. We have heard a lot of different versions talking about the perfect blog post length. Some say that the article should have 300 words, others say it have to include 800 words.

According to serpIQ, the perfect blog post length is 2,000 words and more. serpIQ discovered that the top 2 results have an average length of 2,500 words. Longer posts can also be instrumental from a social-media point of view. Therefore, writing longer posts will help you gain traffic through both search engines and social media. Ensure your long blog post has quality from the beginning to end, complete with subheads, bold text, visuals, no repetition, etc

2. Use more visuals. According to the 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 60% of marketers use content in the form of original visual assets (memes, infographics, etc.) in their marketing. The rise of social media websites such as Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest also contribute to the importance of including visuals in your content marketing strategy.

Report says that each month Americans spend about 1h 40min on Tumblr and 1h 15min on Pinterest. The time spent on these 2 visual websites is more than the time spent on MySpace, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+ combined.

According to the Social Science Research Network, 65% people are visual learners and according to the Zabisco, 90% of the information that the brain receives is visual. This makes it extremely important to include visuals in your content-marketing strategy.

3. Create infographics. It is reported that search volume for infographics on Google has increased by 800%, and that today’s infographic production is rising by 1% daily. Infographics is a great way to meet your visual learners’ needs. Ensure that you create quality infographics with illustrations, graphs, numbers and text that appeal to your visual learners.

Info presented by Rankwinz

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