четверг, 5 июня 2014 г.

What Brands Should Do to Win Without Competition

Reliance is part and parcel of our lives. Everybody makes his own choice who can he rely on and who can he trust. As we choose our recruiters, employers and friends, in the same way we choose trusted online relationships, including shopping websites, corporate sites, etc.

Do you believe in these new influencers? Or they just replace recruiters and advertisers?

"Influencer" is a discrete role, a great responsibility and a type of advocacy from an employer’s and individual’s perspective. Influence and trust are 2 capabilities, which allow employees and employers new tools to navigate the new world of weakly connected relationships and friendships. If done properly, this influence type is a strong method to connect to individuals and significantly grow faith in a brand. However, in case it is done quite poorly, you can be turned into a scammer.

Break down the barriers and establish trust

The "brand humanization" is essential for employers. This is a mix of culture, corporation and community that promotes development of social networks in order to attract employees and prospects that believe in and trust the brand’s mission. "Humanized" brands are aimed at the communities creation. Communities can help to engage employees and prospects and they in turn attract new participants.
When trust is in its place, it is high time to start working at influence.

There are necessary investments for brand humanization to ensure their corporate persona engages at a human level. Sometimes corporate persona may derive from a leader. For example, Virgin's Richard Branson is the persona and at the same time company face.

Also brands have to create communities of interest, where influencers, employees, brand advocates and others can conveniently interact. The community can reflect the interests of the brand’s shareholders, developers, employees, etc.
Trust in a humanized brand also requires that interactions are timely, relevant and appropriate in duration and frequency. Target each interaction to the right channel. Don’t forget to make sure the community share idea about frequency of interaction and contact.

Where influence begins

Influence is a type of currency, which requires certain reciprocity. If I give you something valuable, you should reciprocate. As a rule, it works wonderfully, when two parties share a nation of value. In today’s social world, influence is acknowledgment in another’s blog post of an idea you had, a link to one of your posts in an article, a hat tip on Twitter, etc.

We must not forget that we live in a trust-based economy. We should make arrangements not only about our behaviors but also our expectations. For example, companies have to be prepared to work with applicants and employees that do not provide absolute trust, increase motivation to humanize their brands and consequently connect with communities. Building trust provides a new value equation for the brand, its consumers, employees, and employee prospects.

Influence and trust in your brand is an asset with incredible value. Guard it carefully. 

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