понедельник, 24 февраля 2014 г.

Only 52% of Facebook Ad Spend is Outside the U.S. 

If you're looking to grow your business internationally, a new report by Marin Software says the potential for reaching your audience through Facebook ads is strong in regions like Asia-Pacific (APAC) and Latin America (LATAM). 

According to the report, 85 percent of Facebook users reside outside North America, but only 52% of ad spend targets regions outside of it.

Marin's report shows APAC is already the leader in Facebook user volume, with its global user base share projected to grow from 28% to 32% by 2015. However, global brands are spending five times less on advertising in this region compared to North America, the report said.

"For companies that sell products in high-growth markets like APAC and LATAM, a growing number of Facebook users creates opportunities for more impressions to well-targeted audiences," the report stated; especially since the "barrier to entry into other key Facebook markets is relatively low."

Because Facebook in the APAC region has a significant amount of users and low advertising competition, Marin said it's amongst the most promising for reaching a target audience through the social platform.

But when it comes to user engagement, Latin America beats out all other markets. And Marin said performance marketers "investing in native advertising channels should consider the levels of user engagement and interactivity the platform’s users have with its paid and organic content."

And the LATAM market also excelled in advertising click-through rates. According to Marin data, Facebook CTR in LATAM is 33% higher than North America and 54% than Western Europe

To prepare for international Facebook marketing, Marin gave the following tips in its report:

  • Determine Your International Sales and Fulfillment Capabilities
  • Assess the Regional Demand for Your Product or Service
  • Understand International Laws and Regulations
  • Build an Appropriate Strategy for Each Market
  • Tailor Your Advertising Messages Based on Cultural Nuances
  • Customize Your Creative Based on the Local Market
  • Plan for Language Translation and Localized Campaign Management
  • Separate Campaigns by Regional Audience

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